Firmware IP version 2

(IP BOLD / IP BOLD65 / IP Bellv2 / IP VarioBell firmware updates)

  • Info to GPL license can be found here
  • The firmware upload guide can be found here
  • HW reset guide can be found here.
  • For tech. support, please always send us your enhanced log file. You can find the guide here.
  • You can create your own style file in the web interface setup menu. See an example here.
  • Language files can be downloaded here.
  • If you need the latest FW for IPv1 voip doorphones or voip gateways, please write to support at alphatechtechnologies dot cz
  • How to open a log file of the doorphone e.g. in the Windows Commander program? Rename the log file to logfile.tar.gz, then the log file will open. If it does not open, you need to install a plugin in your Windows commander program for 'tar' files. Inside the log file, there is a directory structure with a lot of information about the doorphone. Log files from the doorphone can be found in the / var/log directory. Of course, every Linux specialist knows this. Why do we use .bin files and not .tar.gz files? Different programs could translate/interpret incorrectly .tar.gz files when sent by email. A file with the .tar.gz extension might come damaged and could not be analyzed. However .bin files do not face this issue when sent by email. Therefore we use the .bin extension for the log file.
  Firmware Date Description
  Attention! Zipped files!   A zipped file - please extract the file .firmware first, then upload the extracted .firmware file to the IP intercom. Do not upload the zipped file to your IP intercom. 06.03.2025
  • Added BUSY message to end of call message
  • The intercom does not attempt to display video.jpg when administred via remote control 15.11.2024
  • Remote access for optional technical support
    • Menu of IP intercom - Network setting - Web server - Web remote control
  • Test calls for optional technical support
    • Menu of IP intercom - Service - Device Tests - Make a call to: 07.08.2024
  • Improved video smoothness
  • SIP source UDP port randomization
  • When changing the hostname, this appears in SIP messages almost immediately
  • Entered into phonebook "called_number/0" - to force not to use the 1st SIP account, i.e. the IP intercom will try only the local SIP registrar
  • Timetable - malfunctioned when inverting activate 23.05.2024
  • HTTP commands for external relays - bug fix 25.04.2024
  • Noise squelch (background noise suppression) - in the Audio menu, default value 150, values from 0 to 999
  • Audio path test - from the speaker back to the microphone - in the Service/Tests menu 20.12.2023
  • Change of password - bug fix
  • On the Streaming page, you can enable the saving of a screenshot from the camera to the SD card (if it is installed)
  • It is necessary to have Internet access and a time server set up so that the images are saved with reasonable time data.

    It works like a circular buffer: after the SD card is filled to about 90%, the oldest pictures will start to be deleted to make way for new ones.

    A 'screenshots' folder will be created on the SD card, with folders by days and hours. 06.09.2023
  • Improved video streaming for internal HD wide-angle camera 04.07.2023
  • Improved Rescue mode when switching the DIP switch to the 'default net' position, where the port for the web interface was not correctly set when the port conflicted with another process (video). If the specified port cannot be used, the IP intercom tries other ports (one at a time) until it finds a free port so that the IP intercom can be contacted on the network.
  • The following is a verified procedure with DIP1 switch - disconnecting flash (do not use DIP2 switch, which is the "default net"):

1. turn off the IP intercom
2. turn on DIP1 if it is not turned on
3. turn on the IP intercom
4. immediately - within approx. 0.5sec. after switching on the power supply, turn off DIP1 (this will force an error in Linux recording)
5. flashes (short flashes) with the LED will appear, if not, return to point 1 above
6. turn on DIP1 (continues to load the 'rescue' web server)
7. the LED flashes (changes of LED flashes 1:1), if not (which is quite unlikely), it is necessary to send the IP intercom for service repair
8. Upload the new firmware via a web browser. Upload the new FW only via a straight ethernet cable (always without any network switch). In case of an error, repeat the process from the point 1 above. 28.04.2023
  • Control of external IP relays via HTTP commands including the user name and password 26.11.2021
  • parameter maximum call duration extended to 24hrs. 23.11.2021
  • multicast field correction
  • added SNMP 'system' directory
  • added select SNMP notify send as Trap or Inform
  • added to SNMP call notification 20.09.2021
  • enhanced memory space for the phonebook users 26.07.2021
  • new feature "Buttons blocked by Registration" in the Relay menu. If the doorphone has any of the SIP accounts registered successfully, you can block the use of the external door access codes by enabling this feature.,
  • new HW option of 3 door sensors for the IP BOLD. It needs to be specified in the PO for min. 10 units/shipment. 14.06.2021
  • the parameter Maximum call duration limit set to 1,200sec. (20min.)
  • the RFID menu shows only in case the HW board supports it 07.06.2021

1) Parameter "Time hang up before redial", in default 0sec., up to 9sec.
- a pause can be inserted between the end of the call and the beginning of the next in sequential dialing.
2) On outgoing call attempt plays Error tone if the connection with the Ethernet switch is down
3) RFID reader option:
- communication with Mifare cards and tags, NTAG on 13.56 MHz
- new page "RFID reader" allows you to select an action for a valid or invalid card:
• authorization of the card by an external device via HTTP or HTTPS
• acoustic tone
• relay relay
• email with a photo
- on the title page "Status" there is a new item that displays info about the RFID reader:
• read status is "No" for an unchecked reader
• "Fail" for an undetected reader
• or type detected by the reader
- Email page divided into:
- SMTP server - only set up an email account and send a test message
• Missed calls - items from the original "Emails" page related to sending an email after an unsuccessful call are moved here
- on the SMTP site:
• The new "Security" field allows you to select unsecured or secured email transmission
• the "Save & Test" button before sending the test message first saves the entered values and the test progress is displayed in a special window
• new default values
- minor change to the field in the header of the Phonebook page
 4) On all pages for controlling external devices (relays, RC commands, etc.) where the HTTP URL was entered, it is now possible to enter the encrypted HTTPS protocol
- on all pages where a password is entered, there is a click 'eye' next to the password field to display the entered password instead of black dots
• for passwords sent to external devices, the drive entered password will also be displayed (eg SIP, or SMTP)
• for passwords for access to the gateway, the drive entered passwords are never sent, ie they are not displayed (eg access to the web interface)
5) Email substitutions:
• substitutions $Date$, $Date$, $Time$, $Device$, $User$ can be entered in the subject and body of all emails
• the "Missed calls" page can be added to the subject and body in addition to the substitutions $DialNumber$ and $DialName$
• The "RFID reader" page can only be entered into the body in addition to $Response$, which will be replaced by the content of the HTML message body from the response from auth. server.
6) New SIP INVITE header "X-Config"
7) On the "RC commands" page, the new "iBell Gong" checkbox 21.01.2021
  • VLAN feature in the Network setting menu. Important notice about the VLAN setup: when you set up a VLAN, the IP doorphone disappears from the original network (i.e. the network without VLAN) – of course, this is the principle of VLAN - and you must set up a VLAN on the opposite device, too. If you need the lost IP doorphone back, you must force the factory default settings by the DIP switch No. 2 on the PCB mainboard of the IP doorphone.
  • DSCP (QoS or TOS – Quality of Service) is set on the SIP Settings page for SIP, Audio Codecs page for audio, and Video Codecs page for video.
  • Updated SMTP server settings menu
  • New menu of missed calls
  • VoIP internal registration server remembers registered counterparties even when changing some settings. It´s not necessary to wait before the counterparties re-register again. 02.07.2020
  • Simplified SIP account setup menu and simplified language file of related SIP account phrases
  • When uploading .txt file to languages section, the ".txt" extension is deleted if it´s there. 17.06.2020
  • Fixed "ringback" failure in case of unsuccessful call attempt if the end of the call tone is turned off.
  • Improvement, if a time server (NTP) is set, the use of time from SIP messages is ignored. If both are used and the time is not set correctly by the user, the time is skipped periodically. 24.02.2020
  • Option of external deactivation / activation of Timetable by HTTP protocol

         URL is http://ip_address/timetable_control?N=CMD  where:

         N is the number Timetable (1..10)

         CMD is 'on' or 'off'

         Both HTTP GET and POST can be used

         It is necessary to think of eventually enabling the password request (on the Web server page) for external (RC) commands 

  • The enhanced range and adjusting of the audio volume 27.01.2020
  • Update SIP ICT dialog remote tag from the first non-failure provisional response containing it 16.12.2019
  • User voice messages playback when sampling rate changes between 8kHz and 16kHz (HD Audio, G.722 codec)
  • Improved work with SD / MMC card: if the card is bad / not formatted at all, the status page will display "fail" in the "SD card size" field
  • On the Status page, the status of the SD card is updated each time the page is refreshed 08.11.2019
  • Improved Digest authentication compatibility 04.11.2019
  • Menu - extended settings - audio - mute all acoustic tones yes/no - possiblility to mute all acoustic tones of the doorphone
  • Menu - extended settings - audio - mic gain - possiblity to set minus values of mic gain in order to set audio values of speaker and microphone as required in special cases 31.10.2019
  • HTTP expansion by non-persistent connection when using an external web relay via virtual relais No. 3 and No. 4 of the sip doorphone
  • Logging of HTTP relay controls to Enhanced Logfile for possible future analysis 19.09.2019
  • Improved sending of JPEG images to the network 06.09.2019
  • Improved compatibility when receiving DTMF in SIP INFO 07.08.2019
  • Optimizing (reducing) H264 video stream from the camera
  • Possibility to send DTMF when a button on the doorphone´s keypad is pressed during an active call
  • HTTP authorization redesigned from Basic to Digest not to send the password over the network
  • For access control of relays and buttons (RC) it is possible to turn on password access restriction
  • New page "RC commands" for sending messages at the beginning / confirmation / end of a call or pressing a button or keypad. 17.05.2019
  • 30 SIP accounts
  • This FW supports a new version of PCB board with HD camera and HD audio with G.722 wide band audio codec (a new version of PCB board with a new audio chip is required)

Important notice:

The IPv2 doorphones (e.g. IP BOLD) have a new Firmware line as listed above. Switching between the previous Firmware line (up to version 3.4.60) and the new Firmware line (from version 3.5.10) is not possible. If this transition is required, the IPv2 doorphone (i.e. IP BOLD / IP BOLD65 / IP Bellv2 / IP VarioBell / SIP Alphatech-Fermaxv2) must be sent back to the factory to be overwritten with a new Firmware version.


  • In case the IP doorphone has a Firmware V3.0.31 - V3.4.60, then upgrading to V3.5.13 and higher is not possible without sending the unit to Alphatech Technologies company.
  • In case your IP doorphone has a Firmware V3.5.13 and higher, then it is possible to use all newer versions of Firmware listed above. The downgrade to FW versions 3.4.xx is not possible. In case of any more detailed questions, please send them to this email:


Important: If the IP doorphone has Firmware V3.0.31 - V3.4.60, upgrading Firmware is not necessary. However, if the Customer still wishes to upgrade to a higher version of Firmware, the Customer agrees to cover all related shipping and transport, and insurance costs. All related transport costs back and forth are not covered by the supplier (i.e. Alphatech Technologies company or the sales partner), but only by the customer (i.e. the customer who wishes to make the FW upgrade). This applies to all types of IP doorphones with IP BOLD  or IPv2 electronics inside including the IP doorphones under warranty.

  FW version Date Warning! Below listed firmware versions 3.0.xx - 3.4.xx are not compatible with the above-listed firmware versions. 11.03.2019
  • 6 sip accounts (see setup menu - network setting - sip account). Up to 6 different sip servers / ip pbxs can be used. In the phonebook menu, write extension number/no of sip account
    • Example: if you wish to use the 2nd sip account and call the extesion No. 301 using the 1st call button.
    • First of all, go to network setting - sip account - select number 2 on the top, then click on enabled, fill in all required credentials for your sip server. Afterwards click on save. 
    • Once you see registration successful, start filling in the phonebook menu.
    • Go to basic settings - phonebook, select number 1 on the top, then fill in the 1. call number: 301/2 , then click on save.
    • 301/2 means you will call the extension No. 301 thru the 2nd sip account. 12.10.2018
  • relay switch function can be can be limited by the time table
  • function of the relay switch can be blocked by the door sensor input 21.09.2018
  • improved filter for pressing call buttons 07.08.2018
  • support of a new audio module with improved echo supression and full duplex audio. This firmware is compatible with all HW versions with of IPv2 doorphones. 12.02.2018
  • automatic restart schedule  (see service menu - restart) 30.01.2018
  • web interface menu - extended settings - video codecs - you can choose a payload type for H.263 and H.264 video streams, values range from 0 to 127. 18.01.2018
  • the 'mail submission' method implemented with support of 'starttls'. The default port for this service is TCP 587. 14.12.2017
  • $DialName$ used as a new entry in the email message 23.10.2017
  •  iOS11 support for the UDVguard softphone application
  • when the button is pressed, the ringing tone is triggered immediately and the response from the SIP agent is not expected 31.07.2017
  • * and # (star and hash symbol push buttons) can be stored to the web programming interface and used for DTMF relay activation
  • button inputs are only able to initiate a call when unit is idle 29.07.2017
  • compensation of ignoring ICMP from Windows when trying TCP connection
  • if some of the dialed numbers are 'Busy', the doorphone will not send a 'busy' tone at the end of the calling process, but the previous priority tone (if there was an error, the 'error' tone if there was no error, and the 'end of call' tone)
  • "487 Request Terminated" counterparty response does not end a sequential call, but will continue
  • improved camera resuscitation after communication failure due to interference on the USB cable (EMI) 04.04.2017
  • preview video stream for Yealink phones 13.01.2017
  • VoIP log events accesible easily via web interface (menu - service - logfile - show VoIP log)
  • improved detection of internal cameras 30.11.2016
  • a bug fix of remote web relay control via 3rd and 4th virtual relay inside the IP BOLD doorphone when an authentication via password is used 
  • example: http://admin:1234@ 26.11.2016
  • optimized web server to decrease burden on IP BOLD when there are too many accesses to IP BOLD 20.10.2016
  • the doorphone can reject all incomming calls (web interface - extended settings - doorphone - reject all incomming calls) 14.10.2016
  • improved registration to a SIP server 04.10.2016
  • WAV messages can be up to 30sec. long 14.09.2016
  • if you have your own customized file, you can hide some items in the web interface menu to adjust the menu to your needs 25.08.2016
  • external access codes for door opening via keypad can be entered into the PhoneBook section in the web interface 10.06.2016
  • improved start of a video stream on Grandstream IP video desk phones 14.05.2016
  • improved support for H.264 transmission
  • improved support for http request for a web browser 28.04.2016
  • improved detection of dialling keypad on IP BOLD 18.04.2016
  • "SIP user agent" feature
  • on page "style and language" the customization file is used the same way as the style file 30.03.2016
  • from this VoIP FW version, the dialling / access code keypad and more call buttons are supported on IP BOLD 25.03.2016
  • repaired H.263 video codec 11.03.2016
  • the second password for protection of video stream on the main page added ; the second password is different from the service access password
  • default service access to the doorphone: user name = admin , password = 1234
  • default access to watch the video on the main page: user name = video , password = 1234
  • improved video exposure stabilisation at ehanced settings - video - "software mode" 19.02.2016
  • remote simulation of pressing the call button by http command. As an example, to press a call button 2 remotely, write to your web browser: 
    • http:// "ipboldipaddress" /button_control?btn=2
    • if you re-send this http command again, it will hang up. In the web interface of IP BOLD, setup your command "Same key pressed again" to Cancel call
  • "DIRECT ON" button function enabled, i.e. making a call and closing the relay at the same time
  • door sensor inputs have two functions: a door sensor or an exit button 05.02.2016
  • improved automatic refresh of video transmission from the camera 31.01.2016
  • easy work with signalling tones and audio files on the SD card 25.01.2016
  • fixed issue when selecting video quality
  • time zones implemented
  • NAT address implemented - a public IP address under which the SIP message goes out to the internet
  • Users can upload their own style file and also their own logo 18.12.2015
  • patch for H.264 video codec to display video on HW IP video phones immediately after calling to IP BOLD video doorphone 11.12.2015
  • difference frames on H.264 implemented (helps to reduce the amount of data transfered) 26.11.2015
  • fix of SMTP registration 05.11.2015
  • Fritz!Box supported, tested on Fritz!Box 7490 version 08.10.2015
  • Functional PopUp program UDV Panel, UDVguard for Android and iOS
  • Fixed audio quality
  • Corrected tone volume
  • Defaulted mode TCP & UDP 04.09.2015
  • Shortening jpeg image
  • Not upgraded the volume of acoustic tone
  • The character ' used in French disrupted the web interface 30.08.2015
  • Repair of gray H263 video
  • Repair of password protected JPEG Video
  • Correction of multiple income DTMF in multiple transmitting DTMF
  • Telnet is invisible and can be viewed and used in a customized FW version - valid for selected projects only
  • Style (logo and style - letter fonts, colours) can be used in a customized FW version only - valid for selected projects only 07.08.2015
  • Manual selection of SIP transport (UDP, TCP, TCP & UDP) is the default UDP
  • With suitable handsets, for example, Grandstream GXV3275, you can view the video stream from the doorphone´s camera without/before answering the incomming call 22.07.2015
  • default parameter for video = SW mode
  • detault style for rescue web is set to blank 15.06.2015
  • Improved video for Grandstream phones
  • Each call button can call to a group of up to 5 numbers in P2P mode
  • Setup video - after page reload, up-to-date values are shown
  • Improved "Exposure software mode" in video setup 12.06.2015
  • Exposure auto - Software mode - improves camera performance at direct sunlight exposure 01.06.2015
  • Security output switches (COSW)
  • G.729 licensing
  • Enhanced image processing
  • P2P mode in default 13.05.2015
  • Initial version